Faction:The Dominion PMC

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The Dominion PMC
The Bacon Deity
Faction Type:
Main Occupation:
Corporate Defense
Tactical Military Strike Force
Civilian Vehicle Manufacturing
Steam Group:
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Where we came from - the background story ...

Modern Private Military Companies (PMCs) trace their origins back to a group of ex-SAS British veterans in 1965 who, under the leadership of the founder of the SAS, Sir David Stirling and John Woodhouse, founded WatchGuard International (formerly with offices in Sloane Street before moving to South Audley Street in Mayfair) as a private company that could be contracted out for security and military purposes.

The Dominion PMC have continuously provided military combat services (offensive and/or defensive) as well as military training and intelligence. We provide actual security for commercial interests and/or government and planetary coalition interests, close protection of VIPs, risk assessment and risk analyses Since 2013. The first PMC Faction to be set up on Space Engineers. The first Faction on Space Engineers period.

We have real time military experience put to good use in the training, close protection, escort service and hostile territory patrols services we provide.

Since the resources on the 3rd planet have long since been exhausted, the search started in 2020 for more resources in the Edgeworth–Kuiper belt, The Dominion have provided their unique services, extending their protective cloak into the solar system and in 2033, the Milky Way.

The year now being 2077, we have provided protection for some of the most important people in the universe, patrol the Planetary Coalition boarders, have protected and escorted over 50 Centillion tonnes of cargo and still providing our services with 100% track record.

Our motto In Latin: Tutis et Protege, vigila Semper, Per omnia s paratus

Our motto translated: Secure and Protect, Always Vigilant, Forever Prepared.

Read more: http://dominionpmc.freeforums.net./thread/3/history-dominion-pmc#ixzz35up76ebI


The CEO:

The Bacon Deity

The Savants:


The Engineer Corps:


The Kriegswing:


The Cornrow Division:

63e Darwin - Miner - 12/07/13
Adrian - Foreman - 11/01/13
Brian - Foreman - 10/27/13
CoinSpin - Foreman - 10/27/13
Dragon - Foreman - 10/27/13
Drakkenstein - Specialist - 10/27/13
Fanny Bandito - Foreman - 11/20/13
Ghostdixib - Foreman - 11/03/13
God-Damn It John - Miner - 12/26/13
Hungry Ghost - Miner - 12/29/13
Joelio - Foreman - 10/31/13
joep - Foreman - 11/10/13
McQueen - Miner - 12/16/13
Nevalynx - Foreman - 11/21/13
Raynor - Foreman - 10/29/13
Romanocry - Foreman - 10/31/13
sander - Foreman - 11/08/13
ScarabParamit - Foreman - 11/06/13
SkyclawSiverus - Miner - 12/23/13
SoKKa - Foreman - 10/29/13
SyndiGen - Miner - 12/27/13
SteadiedOak - Foreman - 10/30/13
Vetranofwar - Foreman - 10/31/13
Vixius - Miner - 01/04/14
Warwolf - Miner - 12/06/13
williamzgross - Miner - 12/22/13
x Shadow Fang - Miner - 01/14/14
zepoxi - Foreman - 10/31/13
Zetaph - Foreman - 11/07/13

Recruitment Process

We are an open faction. We may change our recruitment process as we deem fit. But as of right now, all you need to do is join The Dominion PMC and you're pretty much in.

The only thing you have to do besides follow the rules listed below (among other things in the Dominion Discussion board), is just be active! A faction is nothing if not without its people!

The most important tool besides a welding torch is respect. And everyone should have it.

Structure of Dominion and Regulations

Info on ranks within the Dominion

This section is for people interested in the rank structure of the Dominion. Please regard the following ranks for future gameplay. Remember; these ranks are only semantics for the most part, meaning they don't mean much. The time when they come into effect is when you might be Role Playing (determining your role in a ship or what jobs you get), or showing seniority or how long you've been here, or giving people an idea of your focus of what you like to do in the game. But no matter the rank, show respect to everyone.

First and foremost; here is an infographic in regards to rank. Take a look at it.


Head of the caste is CEO and it branches out into two subdivisions;

The Kriegswing with the following ranks;

Colonel [>>>]
Lieutenant [>>]
Sergeant [>]

The Engineer Corps with the following ranks;

Chief Engineer Bacondeity
Engineer [~~]
Erudite [~]

And last, but not least, The Cornrow Division, which is required of all new employees before they move on to a specialty;

Specialist [|||]
Foreman [||]
Miner [|]

There are two special ranks, Adept [-] (Adept Level 2 [+]) and Savant [], that I'll explain below.

If it's not obvious, the Kriegswing is the main source of military action of the Dominion. They will participate in battles and protection.

The Engineer Corps will be the main source of building and designing ships for the Dominion.

And lastly, the Cornrow Division, is the part where people mine ore and materials for the Dominion. It's named the Cornrow Division because when mining in asteroids, the helmets of the miners get scratched up and it leaves black trails on their helmets, looking like cornrows, the hair style.

      • The Cornrows may do either of the Krieg and Engineer jobs if need be. Essentially, they have no specialty.

Normal Rank Progression:

From Specialist, Employees may choose to go to one of three ranks;
Adept, Erudite, or Sergeant. The Adept is equivalent in rank as an Erudite or a Sergeant, but an Adept's official specialty is both engineering and warfare (I assume a lot of people will go for this), but they must also be miners too.

Basically: They're all three branches.

From Erudite/Sergeant they can continue on to Engineer/Lieutenant and finally to Chief Engineer/Colonel.

Savant Rank Progression:

The last rank, Savant, is given to those who have been exceptional in both combat and engineering. This is more of a "reward" type of rank in the Dominion. It's essentially Adepts, but really high rank. They outrank Chief Engineers and Colonels, but not by much. It is gained from speciall commendation of the CEO/high ranking officers AND/OR the comletion of the Chief Engineer and Colonel ranks.

      • To Savants: Although you're the highest on the pole, please be humble, do not abuse or disrespect anyone, or make anyone feel less than they are!!!

Adept Rank Progression:

It's similar to Savant. An Adept is someone who can switch between Segreant and Erudite (ie; he achieved both Sergeant and Erudite ranks). If someone achieves both Lieutenant and Engineer they can be an Adept Level 2. And when you get Chief Engineer and Colonel, you're a Savant.

Switching Branches of Service:

Changing specialties is simple and your old rank in the previous branch will be conserved if you wish to change your specialty. The change is not instantanious, so you cannot hope back and forth between specialties, please (I need to officially log you and stuff). Changing between specialties will give you the lowest attained rank in that specialty. ie; Going from Colonel in the Kriegswing to the Engineer Corps (and you've never been in the EC before) will give you Erudite. It's like leveling up skill trees. Sorta.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Going up the Ranking Ladder:

To achieve MINER: Simply join, and introduce yourself. A moderator/officer or CEO will add you to the roster. Just remember to let us know if you're leaving so we can take you off.

To achieve FOREMAN: Some time is required in the company (dunno how long yet). You must contribute a ship of any design to the company. A moderator/officer or CEO will go over your design and add it to our official ship roster. It, at the very least (as of right now), has to fly. But be warned... due to the serial number system of our company, everyone will know who's ship is who's... So if you submit a subpar design it will forever stain your reputation. And the very first ship you submit will forever stay in our roster.

To achieve SPECIALIST: More time required in the company. The requirements are similar as to achieve Foreman... But this time, you must present the ship to an officer or CEO. Your ship actually requires to have structure and some sort of unique feature. (As of right now, the alpha is pretty limited, so you'll have to make something up, ie; explain why the ship was designed in the shape that it is, know what I mean? lol)

To achieve anything higher than Specialist will be N/A at the moment, as the game is too early in its infancy to produce much of value, in my opinion.

To achieve SAVANT: Player must achieve both Colonel and Chief Engineer ranks. No extra time is required, as soon as you have both ranks, you can apply to be a Savant. Or you can have special commendation from high ranking officers or the CEO himself.


Just like the game is in alpha, all of these regulations and rules are also in alpha, and can change at any time. I tried my best to come up with interesting and easy rules for our group, I only hope that it'll actually be cool and work in the future. If you have any questions, ask me, no problem. :D

ALSO, if you WANT (not manditory) you can add the little pips at the end of your name to show your rank in the game, like The Bacon Deity[>>>]

Rules of Discussion Board and within the Dominion

First and foremost, please follow the rules set by Valve;


Secondly here are some of my own rules for all of you:

Please show respect to everyone in the Dominion, no matter the rank. ~Be nice guys, this is supposed to be fun.

Please avoid diarrhea of the cussin'. ~I personally don't give a shit, but some people might be uncomfortable with gratuitous amounts of swearing.

Please avoid drama. ~If there is a problem, address me, an officer, or the offender directly and PRIVATELY.

Please do not grief and troll. ~No one wants that. You will be immedietly barred from here. People are trying to have fun and you're screwing it up for everyone.

Please have fun. ~We're all here to play games, so do that and have fun. Make friends on here, what have you, I want this to be a fun and hussling and bussling discussion board full of whatever.

Please don't be shy. ~If you have a suggestion or want to chat, by all means, post it, private message, whatever it is! But if someone is busy, don't take it personally.

Please be mature. ~Be the bigger man/woman in the argument, and relax. And more importantly, I don't care if we have younger players here, so long as they understand that this is a mature environment. Otherwise we don't need 'em. This also goes for taking things personally or offensively on the discussion board. Try to talk it out if there seems to be a problem, privately.

Please read! ~If the same thing is posted 20 times, it's fucking annoying. Screw you. I'm so tired of "When will multiplayer be available" threads on Space Engineers and on KSP, it drives me nuts.

Any other suggestions or comments to the rules are welcome.