Faction:Terran Security Consulting

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Terran Security Consulting
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Terran Security Consulting

Welcome to the home of the Terran Security Consulting PMC group

Do you have a pesky pirate problem? Are raiders relentlessly attacking your convoys? Or maybe those crazy colonists just wont conform? No matter your problem, TSC has the solution! Operating outside of federal jurisdiction allows us the needed latitude to accomplish many tasks that others might deem too dangerous or too mundane, or even too morally incorrect. It also allows us access to non-standerd equipment that regular federal troops would die for. Here at Terran Security Consulting we strive to thrive where others would have died!

If you have the Creds we have the solution to your problem, whatever it may be.

Accepted Contract Types

High Risk

salvage / mining / escort


recovery / termination / ecort


Sabotauge / intelligence gathering / termination

Long Range

patrol / transport / escort



until further notice.


Recruitment is open!

TSC is always looking for more reliable and mature contractors to join our ranks. If you are interested in joining TSC then there are a few things you should know.

First, we only accept applicants ages 18 and up. We are a very mature group and handle very sensitive operations. Only older operators are allowed to join to ensure a proffesional public face.

Second, we are not a heavy role playing faction. We wil be taking contracts when they are available but they are not mandatory and may be taken at your own descretion. All members are free to come and go as the please as well as allowed to set up shop anywhere they would like, we do not feel the need to hinder our operators movements.

Third, the only rules we have are no murdering other members, no stealing from other members, no griefing other members, and no begging from other members. A first offence will result in a warning, a second will result in blacklisting and the offenders constructions being salvaged and decon'd.

For recruitment purposes, contact Ronin on Steam.

If you are interested please send me a Friend request on Steam.


Current count : 1
Founder and Chairman