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F1 在游戏包括主界面 也可以打开 Help Screen(帮助屏幕)
帮助屏幕:/基本控制(默认) 可以在键盘绑定设置
帮助屏幕:/高级控制 无法设置部分
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12 虽然可以在任意界面(包括主界面)按,但是除了创造模式开启的游戏(非生存模式开启的创造工具模式)可以 ,不知道有何用.

Controlling the Character

All players start a new game as an Astronaut character equipped with a jetpack.


The game has two view options available: first and third person view. The player can toggle between these two views using the “V” key (default key binding). The first-person view displays from the perspective of the astronaut character. While the third-person view allows the player to zoom-in, zoom-out and rotate the camera in any direction around the character. The game begins in third-person view.


The astronaut has two movement modes: walking (on foot) and flying (with jetpack). While on foot the player can walk, sprint, crouch, and jump. While using the jetpack, the player can move and roll in any direction. Using the jetpack consumes hydrogen, which can be replenished automatically by carrying hydrogen bottles in your character's inventory or by accessing a medical room that is attached to an oxygen generator or hydrogen tank via the conveyor network.


The astronaut is also equipped with headlights in the front of suit which act as a flashlight for the player. Currently, using the headlights does not consume any resources either.


At any time, the player can open the Toolbar Config, which allows them to select Tools and Blocks and either drag them to Toolbar or right-click on them, to be equipped using the appropriate hot key.

Piloting Spacecraft

Cockpit view of Space Craft

The controls for flying a ship are the same as those for controlling the player’s jetpack. First person (cockpit) or third person (extravehicular) views are available while piloting spacecraft. In third person view, you can zoom-in, zoom-out, and rotate camera around the space craft. Only small ships will have first person perspective available. The larger ships will be locked into the third person perspective, as they do not necessarily need a "cockpit”. Instead, they are controlled using a computer screen from a control station.

The ship can have headlights installed, like that of the astronaut character. They can be switched on or off using the “L” key (default key binding).

Inertia Dampeners

Inertia dampeners allow the ship to automatically stop its motion when no input is received. Turning off dampeners allows you to fly without being slowed down from the automatic thruster balance. The indication in lower left corner displays the dampener’s current status.


Located in the game's setting menu, the player can change the keys that control their character. The game can be controlled either by keyboard & mouse, joysticks, or an Xbox One controller.

Current controls are displayed in-game by pressing the help key F1. Not all controls can be changed using the in-game options.


机译 改译
前进 W
后退 倒退 S
左平移 左平移 A
右平移 右平移 D
向左旋转 左转
向右旋转 右转
向上旋转 仰翻滚
向下旋转 俯翻滚
左翻滚(太空船/喷气背包) 左翻滚 Q
右翻滚(太空船/喷气背包) 右翻滚 E
按住冲刺 冲刺 ⇧ Shift
步行 跑姿(走/跑) Caps Lock
上升/跳跃 上升和跳跃 Space
下降或下蹲 下降和立姿(蹲/立) C


使用工具/发射武器 开动装备主功能 LMB
次级模式 开动装备副功能 RMB
重新装填 填满武备弹药 R
使用/互动 与设施互动 F
头盔 头盔罩(开/关) J
喷射背包 开/关 喷射包(开/关) X
惯性减震器开启/关闭 缓冲器(开/关) Z
开启相对抑制器 缓冲器:追踪 Ctrl+缓冲器
广播 天线(开/关) O
本地电源开启/关闭 电源(开/关) Y
电源开启/关闭 电源(开/关) Ctrl+电源
灯光开关 照明(开/关) L
聊天屏幕 聊天输入对话框 ↵ Enter
终端/库存 终端:控制 K
库存 终端:库存 I
返回复活点 重生(自杀) ← Backspace


工具栏配置 工具栏配置表 G
垂直旋转方块+ 右拨转方块 Page Down
垂直旋转方块- 左拨转方块 Delete
水平旋转方块+ 上拨转方块 Home
水平旋转方块- 下拨转方块 End
滚动旋转方块+ 逆时转方块 Insert
滚动旋转方块- 顺时转方块 Page Up
更改方块颜色 方块涂色 MMB
重新定位 自适应朝向模式(切换) T
使用对称 对称放置模式(切换) N
对称开关 对称放置模式的设置模式(切换) M
循环放置模式 轮换放置坐标系 B
建造计划器 建造计划按钮 MMB
方块大小切换按钮 切换方块大小 R


下一个工具栏 下一条工具栏 Period
上一个工具栏 上一条工具栏 Comma
下一个工具栏物品 下一格工具
上一个工具栏物品 上一格工具
装备物品槽1 装备第1格物品 1
装备物品槽2 装备第2格物品 2
装备物品槽3 装备第3格物品 3
装备物品槽4 装备第4格物品 4
装备物品槽5 装备第5格物品 5
装备物品槽6 装备第6格物品 6
装备物品槽7 装备第7格物品 7
装备物品槽8 装备第8格物品 8
装备物品槽9 装备第9格物品 9
不装备工具 0Tilde


上一个颜色或摄像头 [
下一个颜色或摄像头 ]
停车场 驻停器 或 起落架 P
颜色选取器 调色盘 P
打开体素手设置 菜单“体素手” K
打开控制菜单 菜单“控制菜单” Minus
暂停游戏 Pause
控制台 Tilde
帮助 Help F1
打开合同屏幕 菜单“有效合同” Colon
语音聊天 语音按键 U

View / Camera

玩家控制 切换主角 F6
第三人称旁观者 拍摄主角:可控默认跟拍 F7
自由旁观者 镜头:自由调整模式 F8
静态旁观者 拍摄主角:可控定镜 F9
第一人称/第三人称 主控视角(主/客) V
按住环视 主控客视角:环视键 Alt
以第三人称模式缩放 主控客视角:缩放 环视键+Mouse wheel
屏幕截图 F4
显示器开/关 屏显(开/关) ↹ Tab
切换信号模式 屏显:信号细节 H
锁定/解锁至实体 镜头:参照物 小键盘*
下一个摄像头模式 镜头:参照物关系 小键盘/
下一个玩家 镜头:下一个玩家作参照物 小键盘+
上一个玩家 镜头:上一个玩家作参照物 小键盘-
xxx 镜头:记录位置 Ctrl+ Num数
镜头:回调位置 Num数


打开蓝图菜单 菜单“蓝图” F10
打开生成菜单 菜单“生成菜单” ⇧ Shift+F10
打开管理员菜单 菜单“管理员屏幕” Alt+F10
快速载入 F5
快速保存 ⇧ Shift+F5
切换统计 性能监测B Ctrl+H
显示玩家(仅限多人游戏) 玩家列表 F3
xxx 性能监测A ⇧ Shift+F11
显示调试 多功能切换 F11
物理性渲染 物性着色渲染 C-A-S+F12

网格和蓝图Grids and Blueprints

创建/管理蓝图 Ctrl+B
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+B
改变方块形状 Mouse wheel
移动粘贴的对象 Ctrl+Mouse wheel
复制 Ctrl+C
剪切? Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C
粘贴 Ctrl+V
剪切对象 Ctrl+X
删除物品 Ctrl+Delete
导出模型 Ctrl+Alt+E

颜色选择器Color Picker

颜色选取器 P
添加的颜色选择库 ⇧ Shift+P
方块上色 MMB
中等彩色刷 Ctrl+MMB
大彩色刷 ⇧ Shift+MMB
网格整体上色 Ctrl+⇧ Shift+MMB

体素手Voxel Hands

打开体素手设置 K 重复看哪个
下一个体素材质 [
上一个体素材质 ]
喷涂 鼠标中
撤回 CTRL+鼠标右键


将人物移动到旁观者 将玩家角色移动到当前观测位置 Ctrl+Space
改变旁观者速度 调整观测镜头移位速度 ⇧ Shift+Mouse wheel

建造计划器Build Planner

取出 MMB
取出并保持 Alt+Ctrl+MMB
十倍速度取出并保持 Ctrl+MMB
放入生产 ⇧ Shift+MMB
十倍速度添加到生产 ⇧ Shift+Ctrl+MMB
存放所有 Alt+MMB


Zoom in third person model alt Mwheel
Prev color or camera [ 重复
Next color or camera ]

Chat Commands

Chat commands are case-sensitive!


/save Saves the game. Usage: '/save' or '/save <new name>'
/stop Stops the server. Usage: '/stop'
/f Switches you to Faction chat channel.
/g Switches you to Global chat channel.
/w Switches you to Whisper chat channel with specific player. Usage: '/w <playerName>'. Surround the player name with quotation marks ("player name with spaces") if it contains spaces.
/gps Adds a new GPS point from your current position. Add 'share' to share with everyone, or 'faction' to share with your faction. Anything other than 'share' or 'faction' will be regarded as name and new gps will be named in such way.
/help Shows help.
/timestamp Turns timestamp for chat 'on' or 'off'. Usage: '/timestamp <state>' where <state> can be 'on' or 'off'.
/rweather Creates a random weather at your camera's postion.
/smite Creates a lightning bolt to what you're looking at.
/weather Gets or sets weather at your current position. Add a weather name to set weather.
/weatherlist Lists all available weathers.


Play emote Facepalm
Play emote Thumbs Up
Play emote Victory
Play emote Wave


Play emote Angry
Play emote Assist come
Play emote Assist end
Play emote Dance
Play emote Point Aggressive
Play emote Point Back
Play emote Point Down
Play emote Point Forward
Play emote Point Left
Play emote Point Right


Play emote Cold
Play emote CheckWrist


Play emote Charge
Play emote Come here baby
Play emote Dance disco 1
Play emote Dance disco 2
Play emote Looking around
Play emote Stretching
Play emote Whatever
Play emote Yelling


Play emote Go Clang yourself
Play emote Drunk



太空工程师 - Alpha教程 10/2013












控制舰船和控制玩家的喷气背包相同。舰船驾驶时可用第一人称(座舱)或第三人称(舰外)视野。在第三人称视野你可以以舰船为中心旋转缩放视野。只有小型舰船大型舰船座舱 3可以用第一人称视野。


