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“新游戏” 菜单下有 “剧情”、“创意工坊”、“自定义游戏” 三个分页标签。


The First Jump 首次跃迁
Learning to Survive 学习生存技能
Never Surrender 绝不投降
Lost Colony
Sparks of the Future
Scrap Race




可以选择游戏模式、模组、调节高级、并且选择不同的开局地图:(有些地图需要玩家在 游戏设置 > 实验模式 设置为有效才可选择)
Earth Planet
Mars Planet
Alien Planet
Moon Base
Star System
Empty World
Lone Survivor
Red Ship
Crashed Red Ship
Rival Platforms
Green Station
Dead Drop Arena


选好游戏后你可以按下 “开始” 按钮 开始游戏

Property:Game Menu/New Game/Online mode/zh
Property:Game Menu/New Game/Max Players/zh
Property:Game Menu/New Game/Rating/zh :你喜欢这个关卡请帮忙点个赞
Property:Game Menu/New Game/Game mode/zh
Property:Game Menu/New Game/Auto-save/zh
Property:Game Menu/New Game/Mods/zh
Property:Game Menu/New Game/Advanced/zh


The name of the world, which will appear both in the "Load World" menu and in the "Join World" menu (if your world is open for others to join).


A short description of the world. Appears when you mouse over the world in the "Load World" menu.

Game Mode

Sets the world to either Creative or Survival Mode.

Creative Infinite resources, instant building, instant welding of projected blocks, systems do not require resources (e.g. Uranium or Ice) to function, weapons do not use ammo.
Survival Resources must be mined and refined. Blocks can still be placed instantly, but require components and welding before they are functional. Systems require and use up resources.

Online Mode

Determines whether or not people can connect to you for online multiplayer.

Offline The world is not visible on the "Join World" menu, and is not joinable in any way. Singleplayer mode is active, meaning you can pause the game.
Private The world is not visible on the "Join World" menu. It is joinable, but only with an invite.
Friends The world appears on the "Join World" menu to your Steam friends, and is joinable by them. People who are not friends with you on Steam will not see the game, but they can still join if they are invited into it.
Public The world is visible on the "Join World" menu to everyone online on Steam, and is joinable by them.

Max. Players

Only available if the Online Mode is not "Offline". Determines the maximum amount of players on the world at once, including yourself. Range: 2-16

Environment Hostility

Affects the frequency and severity of Meteor Storms.

Safe Meteor storms will not occur.
Normal Meteor storms will occur rarely and in smaller numbers, causing minor damage.
Cataclysm Meteor storms occur regularly, in decent numbers, and can cause serious damage.
Armageddon Meteors never stop. Meteors are on fire. Meteors will cause major damage. Good luck.


When turned on, the world will automatically save at regular intervals.

Scenario Edit Mode

This option enables the world to be edited with scenario options available.

  • The world must be set in creative mode to use scenario functions
  • Once the world is exited, the gamemode will automatically switch back to Survival mode


As of patch 01.042, mod integration with steam workshop was introduced. This feature in addition allows players to select specific mods to add to their worlds. To learn how the mod page works, see Mods guide on steam by Marek Rosa.

A scenario is any default or custom game world designed as a starting point for either freeform or scripted gameplay.

Default Scenarios

The game offers several default scenarios for both creative and survival mode. When started in survival mode, the player will always be equipped with basic hand tools: drill, welder and grinder. These scenarios have no predefined goals, and allow the player(s) to play the game however they wish.

Scenario Editor

Main article: Scenario editor

Introduced in Update 01.086, the scenario editor is a feature available in creative mode. The player must first check the box indicating they wish to edit/create a scenario.

It functions much the same as standard creative mode, but with access to several additional features such as the ability to set win and lose conditions.